How does it work?

Up and coming individuals often struggle to make their financial obligations as they have their sights on becoming a pro, or as a new pro in their sport. SalaryKings was created to help!

At SalaryKings, you become their SPONSOR and your support assists them to help cover basics, letting them focus on training and their sport. When they make it, you get a return on backing them, a small percentage (kinda like a manager)!

Your monthly offering provides you the OPPORTUNITY of having them wear your T-Shirt or CAP with YOUR BRAND on it (Sports Influencer?) and shooting you a pic that you can then post on social media. If they arrange to meet you to be in a selfie, even better (different opportunities are based on what amount you share)!

The personality you choose to SPONSOR agrees to wear the ITEM displaying your brand on occasion. They are not obligated to do so, or to wear it, when on a televised event, unless you and they, or their manager, have a separate agreement other than SalaryKings.

So does your love for certain sports peeps make you want to step up? Start as big or small as you want, and KNOW that you are backing their play!